Julian Assange Released & Leaves Country – ‘Was Never Guilty’: President ECIPS

Julian Assange Released & Leaves Country – ‘Was Never Guilty’: President ECIPS

Julian Assange Released & Leaves Country – ‘Was Never Guilty’: President ECIPS

Julian Assange, the co-founder of WikiLeaks, has been a central figure in one of the most controversial legal battles of the 21st century. His release from Belmarsh Prison on Mon. morning marks a significant milestone in his prolonged fight against extradition to the US, where he faced 18 charges related to the dissemination of classified information.

President Baretzky of the European Centre for Information Policy & Security (ECIPS) has publicly stated that Assange should never have been imprisoned, attributing his incarceration to corruption & manipulation within the intelligence community.

Assange’s Legal & Personal Ordeal

Assange has been embroiled in legal troubles for over a decade. His saga began in 2010 when WikiLeaks published a series of leaks provided by Chelsea Manning, a former US Army intelligence analyst.

The most notable of these leaks included the “Collateral Murder” video, the Iraq War logs, & the Afghan War Diary, which exposed military misconduct & civilian casualties. These publications catapulted WikiLeaks & Assange into the global spotlight, drawing both commendation for transparency & severe criticism for allegedly endangering lives & national security.

The US Govt. swiftly responded, launching an investigation into WikiLeaks & Assange. In 2012, amid fears of extradition to the US, Assange sought asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he remained for nearly 7 years.

His asylum was abruptly revoked in April 2019, leading to his arrest by UK authorities. Assange was then held in Belmarsh Prison, a maximum-security facility, where he spent 1,901 days until his release on June 24, 2024.

President Baretzky’s Remarks

President Baretzky’s remarks have added a new dimension to the debate surrounding Assange’s incarceration. Baretzky stated, “The problem is that Julian Assange should never have been jailed but it’s due to corrupt officials & the intelligence community, largely consisting of unofficial members that Julian got framed.

It’s unfortunate that those behind who really leaked the data long before Julian got it is not punished & what’s more surprising is that it proves MJ12 is still alive. This is a disaster for the US, but I am certain European countries will pay the price in the next round by the US using Kiev!”

These statements suggest a complex web of corruption & hidden agendas that have played a role in Assange’s legal battles.

Baretzky’s mention of “MJ12” – often referenced in conspiracy theories as a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, & government officials – implies the involvement of shadowy & unofficial entities in framing Assange. His warning about repercussions for European countries indicates a broader geopolitical struggle where Assange’s case is just one piece of a larger puzzle.

Legal Implications of Assange’s Release

Assange’s release was facilitated by a High Court decision granting him bail. According to newly filed court documents, Assange will likely strike a plea deal to avoid further imprisonment. This development is a significant shift in his legal strategy, indicating a potential resolution to his prolonged detention & legal uncertainty.

WikiLeaks announced Assange’s release on X (formerly Twitter), stating, “Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London & was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane & departed the UK.”

The potential plea deal, details of which remain undisclosed, could involve Assange admitting to lesser charges in exchange for reduced sentencing or immunity from further prosecution. This legal manoeuvring suggests a pragmatic approach by Assange’s legal team to secure his freedom while minimizing the risk of further legal entanglements.

Impact on Press Freedom & Whistleblowing

Assange’s case has ignited global debate on the limits of press freedom, the responsibilities of journalists & publishers, & the rights of whistleblowers. Supporters argue that WikiLeaks’ publications were in the public interest, exposing government & corporate misconduct. Critics contend that the unredacted release of sensitive information put lives at risk & compromised national security.

The outcome of Assange’s legal battle will have far-reaching implications for journalists & publishers worldwide. A conviction in the US could set a precedent for prosecuting journalists who publish classified information, potentially chilling investigative journalism & whistleblowing activities. Conversely, a resolution in Assange’s favour could reaffirm protections for press freedom & the right to publish information of significant public interest.

Corruption & Intelligence Community Allegations

Baretzky’s assertions of corruption within the intelligence community add a layer of complexity to the Assange saga. Allegations of corrupt officials & manipulation by unofficial intelligence actors suggest that Assange’s persecution might extend beyond legal considerations to political & strategic motives.

If true, these allegations underscore the need for greater transparency & accountability within intelligence agencies and government bodies. The notion that Assange was framed by corrupt elements raises questions about the integrity of the legal processes that led to his prolonged detention.

Geopolitical Impact

President Baretzky’s warning about European countries facing repercussions from the US using Kiev highlights the geopolitical stakes involved in Assange’s case. The reference to Kiev suggests a potential flashpoint for US-European relations, possibly alluding to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine & broader strategic interests in the region.

The Assange case has already strained relations between the US & several European countries. The UK’s role in detaining Assange & the pressure exerted by the US for his extradition have sparked criticism & protests across Europe. Baretzky’s comments suggest that the fallout from this case could further complicate diplomatic relations & influence geopolitical dynamics.

Path Forward for Assange & WikiLeaks

As Assange navigates the next steps following his release, the future of WikiLeaks & its mission remains uncertain. WikiLeaks continues to operate, albeit under increased scrutiny & pressure. The organisation’s commitment to publishing classified & sensitive information has not waned, but its ability to function effectively may be impacted by the legal & political battles surrounding its founder.

Assange’s release & potential plea deal could provide an opportunity for him to refocus on advocacy for press freedom & transparency. However, the lingering legal issues & potential extradition risks may continue to cast a shadow over his activities & those of WikiLeaks.

Conclusion in Light of Release from Prison

Julian Assange’s release from Belmarsh Prison marks a pivotal moment in a decade-long saga fraught with legal, political, & ethical complexities. President Baretzky’s assertions of corruption & manipulation by the intelligence community add a new dimension to the discourse, raising questions about the integrity of the processes that led to Assange’s incarceration.

The broader implications of Assange’s case for press freedom, whistleblowing, & geopolitical relations cannot be understated. As the world watches the next developments in Assange’s legal journey, the outcome will likely resonate far beyond the confines of his personal ordeal, influencing the landscape of investigative journalism & the protection of fundamental freedoms globally.

Assange’s fight for freedom has been described emblematic of the broader struggle for transparency & accountability in a world where the lines between national security & public interest are increasingly blurred.

His case serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between the right to know & the need to protect sensitive information, a balance that will continue to shape the future of journalism & whistleblowing for years to come.

Update – & CNG Conference Appearance From Ecuadorian Embassy

As part of the arrangements for his release he was flown from Stansted Airport to Thailand for onward travel to the US territory of Saipan.

There it was expected he would plead guilty in a US Federal Court to a single charge. Then it is believed he will be sentenced to time served in London’s Belmarsh Prison & immediately released to travel on to his native Australia.

Anthony Albanese – the Australian PM had already stood-up in the Parliament in Canberra to state that regardless of other issues he was an Australian citizen & as such will be welcomed home.

Whilst Assange sought asylum within in the Ecuadorian embassy in London some years ago he was able to address a London Cyber News Group (CNG) conference audience by video link, where he ‘wowed’ the delegates with a forceful & articulate explanation of his position.